The art of looking. first look, then capture.
The work area is the road you take from home to school. Take a good, critical look at that road. At first, don't do that directly through the viewfinder of your camera, but rather by simply looking or by framing your image by closing your hands and one eye. Determine the frame and imagine, the image in your mind. For example, you can choose to take the last part of your journey, which you cover on foot, or just the first part that you walk from home to the station. What matters is that you take what you think you know so
'well'. Take that familiar piece of route and take it in and see what you can get from another persons perspective/point of view, could come to an image that you would not have noticed otherwise.
'well'. Take that familiar piece of route and take it in and see what you can get from another persons perspective/point of view, could come to an image that you would not have noticed otherwise.
(2022 school project)